Jay Franklin Benjamin won a $5.7 million Megabucks slot machine jackpot at the Stardust while in town from Texas with his wife. All segments include interview with the winner, and his plans for how to use the money include purchasing a house in Las Vegas a car for his son. Original media VHS, color, aspect ratio 4 x 3, frame size 720 x 486.
Archival Collection
Stardust Resort and Casino Records
To request this item in person:
Collection Number: MS-00515 Collection Name: Stardust Resort and Casino Records Box/Folder: Digital File 00, Box 048
The Hughes Aircraft Retirees Association (HARA) Records (1940-2018) contain a variety of publications, organizational charts and technical reports, audiovisual materials, and photographs related to Hughes Aircraft Company and Hughes Electronics. These materials were gathered by members of the Hughes Aircraft Retirees Association, a social organization for retirees of Hughes Aircraft Company including Boeing, Raytheon, and Kinecta.