At head of title: 'North America, sheet XV.' 'Published under the superintendence of the Society for Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.' At bottom center of map:'London, Charles Knight, Jany. 1st, 1852.' At bottom right of map: ' J. & C. Walker Sculpt.' Scale [1:7,500,000] 1 degree to 68.89 English miles (W 125°--W 92°/N 43°30?--N 22°30?). Relief shown by hachures. Atlas page number in lower margin: 144. Boundaries hand colored. Includes notes, locations of Indian tribes, population statistics. Charles Knight.
The official portrait painting of Howard Hughes. In 1998, Russ Stevenson presented the painting, along with many of his other Hughes Airwest files and memoirs, to the Special Collections Library of the University of Texas at Dallas.
Charter officers of new North Las Vegas Exchange Club, North Las Vegas, Nevada, July 31, 1972. Pictured L-R: Noel Thompson, President; Richard Cross, Vice-President; Bill Cyphers, Board Member; Warren Wilson, Secretary; Roland Bobier, Board Member; Gary Gray, Board Member.