'Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1855 by J.H. Colton & Co. in the Clerk's Office of the Dist. Court of the U.S. for the South'n. Dist. of New York.' Scale [ca. 1:4,752,000. 1 in. to approx. 75 miles] (W 120°--W 102°/N 43°--N 32°). Shows natural features, and populated places, wagon route, proposed railroad routes and explorers' routes. Relief shown by hachures. Prime meridians: Greenwich and Washington.Hand colored. Atlas p. number in lower-right margin: 51. Decorative border. J.H. Colton & Co.
Transcribed from back of photo: "Howard Hughes in the cockpit of the new XF-11 reconnaissance plane which he designed and built in conjuntion with Air Material Command engineers. He is preparing for its first flight. One of the world's fastest long-range photo planes, it can attain a speed of over 400 miles per hour."
Description given with photo: "Non-Stop Los Angeles - New York Flight Inaugurated New York -- View of the crowd around the "Star of California" waiting for passengers -- most of them after it landed at LaGuardia Airport Feb. 15. Piloted by Howard Hughes, famed Around-The-World record holder and a TWA executive, the flight in-augurated non-stop schedule between Los Angeles and New York. The TWA Constellation made the trip in 8 hours and 38 minutes, as compared with the record of 7 hours, 27 minutes. Credit (ACME) 2/15/46."