The Blue Diamond Mine Corporate Records (1918-2005) consist of operational and organization records of the gypsum mining and milling operations located in southwest Clark County, Nevada. Materials include operational records related to individual boring sites at the mine; milling operations and statistics; and equipment operations and statistics, including maps, field notebooks, and photographs. There are also daily, weekly, and monthly organizational records related to employee work schedules and safety reports for the mining operations, including accident reports and a safety education training program.
The Stocker Family Papers (1860-1982) document the family’s personal, political, and business interests including Mayme Stocker’s 1931 Nevada gaming license and Harold Stocker’s involvement in the Nevada Republican party. The collection contains family correspondence, political documents and planning materials, and business records related to the family’s gaming and real estate interests.
Oral history interview with Stella Champo Iaconis conducted by Kay Long on May 14, 1997, May 21, 1997, May 26, 1997, and September 22, 1997 for the Women's Research Institute of Nevada (WRIN) Las Vegas Women Oral History Project. Iaconis opens her interviews discussing her difficult upbringing and life on a ranch in Las Vegas, Nevada with her dad in the 1910s and 1920s. Iaconis then describes her experiences as a waitress in Las Vegas. As the interviews continue, Iaconis discusses Block 16 and sex work, the Helldorado Days, and life in 1930s Las Vegas. Iaconis ends the interview talking about her father and his career as a miner; her many husbands; and her personal history in Las Vegas.
The Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Theta Theta Omega (AKA TTO) Chapter records (1965-2020) are comprised of organizational records, conference programs, digitized copies of the chapter's scrapbooks, and copies of Ivy Leaf, the organization’s national newsletter. The records include chapter and committee agendas and meeting minutes, Far Western Regional Conference reports, and fliers for events hosted by AKA TTO. Also included are archived web captures of AKA TTO's website and digital audio and video files for the chapter's oral history project interviewing Charter, Golden, and Silver members from 2019 to 2020.
William Flangas was born in Ely, Nevada, in 1927. He attended grade school through high school in White Pine County. In his junior year, he left school to join the Navy. After the war, he enrolled at UNR on the G.I. Bill, and graduated with a degree in metallurgical engineering. In 1951, Bill worked for Kennecott in a 'deep root' project, spent a summer in Chile working in a smelter, and then went back to work for Kennecott in underground operations. On the basis of this experience, he wrote a thesis and earned an EM degree (Engineer of Mines). Bill was approached in 1958 by Mr. Reynolds of the Reynolds Electric/Engineering Company with a request that he come help them out at the Nevada Test Site. He refused at first, but after a second call and a visit to the tunnel site, he accepted the job, pulled together a first-rate group of experienced miners, and stayed on to enjoy a 40 year career concurrent with the job at the test site, Bill was appointed to the State Planning Board, later renamed the State Public Works Board. The function of the board was to list public buildings in order of priority. In 1984, the College of Engineering at UNLV made the priority list. Bill helped set up three point contact among the university personnel, the architectural firm, and the Public Works Board. This was to ensure that the building met the needs of the engineers but did not go over budget.
2006-2007 annual report for Congregation Ner Tamid on the Greenspun Campus for Jewish life, learning, and spiritual renewal. The report includes statements, events, communities activities, statements, and photographs.