The exterior of Hughes Research Laboratories where rock bits were test-drilled in Culver City, California in the 1940s. Transcribed from note taped to back of photo: "Rock bits are test-drilled in the laboratory under conditions that duplicate, as far as is possible in the laboratory, those encountered in actual drilling. As a result, rotational speeds, loads, and fluid volume are closely controlled. The rig operator occupies a splash-proof booth above the 'cellar floor.' The instruments on his control panel provide for application and measurement of variable axial loading on the drilling bit up to 100,000 lbs., variable rotational speeds up to 400 rpm, measurement of bit penetration over a total vertical travel of 5 feet at rates up to 180 ft. per hour, and torque. On the panel, also, are several controls for the operation of mud pump and other accessory equipment."
The black and white view of Howard Hughes in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Description written on back of photograph: "July 14, 1938: Tired and bearded, Howard Hughes was surrounded as he left his plane at the municipal airport (World-Chamberlain Field) to secure weather information before leaving Minneapolis to complete his record-breaking around-the-world flight-- the fastest flight ever made in circumnavigating the globe. Photo-courtesy "The Minneapolis Star" Board of Park Commissions 325 City Hall Minneapolis, Minn."
The black and white view of the Lockheed 14 aircraft in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Description written on back of photograph: "World-fame drops on City out of blue, sunny skies: Fame came to the municipal airport and the city of Minneapolis in a flash of silver and a roar at 7:38 am, July 14, 1938 when Howard Hughes swooped to Earth in his Droning Silver Bullet on his record breaking round-the-world flight. Photo-courtesy "The Minneapolis Star" Board of Park Commissions. 325 City Hall Minneapolis Minn."