Description given with photo: "Senator Visits Hughes, Culver City, Calif.; Senator Harry P. Cain (R. Wash.) (left), member of a Senate Subcommittee investigating Howard Hughes' war contracts, chats with Hughes (right) beside his controversial XF-11 photo-reconnaissance plane just before the millionaire plane maker took off for a test flight from his private Culver City Airport today (8/16). Credit (ACME) 8/16/47."
Description given with photo: "Just A Few Words Please, New York -- Howard Hughes says a few words for the radio audience just after his arrival here late last night, Sept. 11th, from Kansas City. The multi-millionaire movie producer and flier flew the distance from Kansas City to New York in four hours and 38 minutes, piloting his converted B-23 army transport. Creditline (ACME) 9/12/46."
Description given with photo: "Hughes Arrives In New York: La Guardia Field, New York, N.Y. -- Howard Hughes, airplane designer, pilot and movie producer, steps down from his converted B-23 bomber at La Guardia Field following his transcontinental flight from Culver City to New York, the first since he narrowly escaped death in the crash of an experimental plane July 7. Hughes personally piloted the B-23 over the 3,000-mile route."
Description given with photo: "Hughes Pilots Radar-Equipped Plane Culver City, Calif. -- First passenger plane equipped with radar is flown in demonstration May 1st by Howard Hughes (left) and co-pilot R.C. Loomis over Culver City. Pilots using this equipment will be warned of approaching obstacles by lights flashing on radar panel. Two lights (lefts) with 2,000-foot range, are used to guarantee clearance over mountains; two lights (right) with 500-foot range, are a safety device for approaches and landings. Either set of lights warns against approaching aircraft. Trans-World Airline plans to install radar on its passenger planes. Credit (ACME) 5-3-47."