A commemorative postcard for Hank Monk. The front of the postcard includes a portrait photograph of Monk, a photograph of "the old stage coach," and a photograph of a plaque on the Raffles Hotel in Placerville, California. The plaque reads: "To remember Hank Monk, the world's greatest reinsman who drove Horace Greeley from Carson City to here in 1859, making the 109 miles in 10 hours. Dedicated by E Clampus Vitus April 30, 1938."
Along with the information is this card entitled "Record Breaker." It reads: "First product of Hughes Aircraft Company was Howard Hughes' uniquely designed H-1. Experts said it was farther ahead of its time than any plane built since the Wright brothers'. In 1935 Hughes flew the H-1 to a world's land plane speed record of 352 mph, many years before any military pursuit planes attained this speed, and in 1937 Hughes flew the H-1 from Los Angeles to New York in seven hours, 28 minutes, a record which stood for eight years. The H-1 was the first plane with a smooth metal surface, leading edge air duct intakes, jet thrust exhaust, bell-shaped cowling, drooping ailerons, and the first to have a power-driven retractable landing gear. -0- "