Description given with photo: "Chairman Brewster Denies Collusion Charged By Hughes. Washington, D.C. Multi-millionaire plane-builder Howard Hughes, left, and his counsel, Thomas A. Slack, center, listen to chairman Owen Brewster, ( R ) of Me., right, of the Senate War Investigating Committee, testify before member of his committee. Senator Brewster denied under oath Howard Hughes' "blackmail" charge that Brewster had tried to make him merge the TWA with Pan-American Airways. -INP Photo by N.K. Benson- 8/6/47."
Description given with photo: " "Shows Over" -- Return Engagement Promised! Washington, D.C. - In the Senate Caucus room, that a few days ago was packed to the doors, Howard Hughes, sits alone as he pens a statement to the press following the "surprise" postponement of Hughes war plane contract inquiry before the Senate War Investigating Subcommittee today, (Aug. 11). Creditline (ACME) 8/11/47."