Grace Hayes in front of a playbill posted on the 44th Street Theatre in New York. She is wearing a patterned coat and small black hat and is holding a small dog.
Baby Michael Hayes as a toddler. Handwritten inscription on photo reads "I surrender Opa Ma Hayes". Son of Peter Lind Hayes and Mary Healy, grandson of Grace Hayes.
The marquee of the Palace Theater in New York, New York. Grace Hayes' name is on the marquee. "Henry Deloval Green Photography Merchandise Mart" stamp on back of photo.
Painting of railroad construction and Las Vegas auction. Depiction of locomotive in foreground is inaccurate for 1905 scene. Crosby DeMoss murals (WPA Art Project). Inscribed at top of photo: "To Fred Wilson. Sincerely, Crosby DeMoss."
Description given with photograph: "A close-up view of the ancient metate, or grinding stone, located at the Southern end of the Pueblo Grande de Nevada. Fragments of pottery and stone grinders or pestles [sic] in view."
Western Airlines M2 biplane-first plane to fly Los Angeles-Salt Lake route, stopping in Las Vegas en route. Note Indian head on fuselage-first insignia of Western Airlines (originally called Western Air Express Corporation).
The photograph depicts D.C. McSweeney, Nevada Assemblywoman Eileen Brookman and Nevada Senator Howard Cannon on the right. The photo was taken on March 15, 1978; location is unspecified. The picture is autographed to Eileen by Cannon. The inscriptions says: "To Eileen - with very best wishes. Howard Cannon, U.S.S. Nev."