Howard Hughes near his Hughes Racer at Newark Airport after breaking the coast-to-coast record from Burbank to Newark in 7 hours, 28 minutes, 27 seconds. The distance he covered was 2490 miles while he was going an average speed of 332 mph. This record bettered his previous record by two hours.
Description printed on photograph's accompanying strip of paper: "When Hughes arrives at Le Bourget on world trip. Paris-- French air experts examining Howard Hughes' arrival at Le Bourget. After a few minor repairs, Hughes and his companions hopped off for Moscow, second leg of their circuit of the globe in 3 days and 19 hours."
'Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1855 by J.H. Colton & Co. in the Clerk's Office of the Dist. Court of the U.S. for the South'n. Dist. of New York.' Scale [ca. 1:4,752,000. 1 in. to approx. 75 miles] (W 120°--W 102°/N 43°--N 32°). Shows natural features, and populated places, wagon route, proposed railroad routes and explorers' routes. Relief shown by hachures. Prime meridians: Greenwich and Washington.Hand colored. Atlas p. number in lower-right margin: 51. Decorative border. J.H. Colton & Co.