Interior b-roll footage of New York New York casino floor, camera pans to different areas on the floor, pans in and out on people interacting with various slot machines, table games, and generally walking around. Original media Betacam SP, color, aspect ratio 4 x 3, frame size 720 x 486. From the UNLV TV Audiovisual Collection (UA-00098) – Digitized audiovisual material file.
The black and white view of a crowd of people surrounding the Lockheed 14 aircraft at the Le Bourget Airfield in France. Text printed on accompanying strip of paper: "Howard Hughes' Lockheed surrounded by a great crowd at Le Bourget Field, Paris, as his crew disembarked after their flight from New York. July 1938."
A portrait of Howard R. Stocker, Oscar Stocker's younger brother. Howard Raymond Stocker was born December 19, 1884. He was a graduate of Lehigh University, class of 1906. Imprint on photograph mat reads "Hafen, Reading, Pa."