Description given with photograph: "Hughes's Stratoliner is ultimate in Streamline. Glendale, Calif.--- To give one an idea of just how far aeronautical designers can go with the streamlining effect, this above view of Howard Hughes' newest four-motored, $250,00 Stratoliner is pictured from the tail end of the big plane as it stood on the runway at the Grand Central air terminal at Glendale, Calif. The millionaire flier is believed to be preparing for a new caost-to-coast record. 8-30-39""
The black and white view of Howard Hughes in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Description written on back of photograph: "July 14, 1938: Tired and bearded, Howard Hughes was surrounded as he left his plane at the municipal airport (World-Chamberlain Field) to secure weather information before leaving Minneapolis to complete his record-breaking around-the-world flight-- the fastest flight ever made in circumnavigating the globe. Photo-courtesy "The Minneapolis Star" Board of Park Commissions 325 City Hall Minneapolis, Minn."