From the Howard Cannon Photograph Collection (PH-00192). Handwritten on verso: "Senator Cannon; Paul Palmer, American Legion Post #51; Robert Weeks, Commander, American Legion Post #51, behind flag; J. Earl Cunningham, 1st Vice commander American Legion Post #51; Olie (?) Cluff, ready to raise the flag; Sam Neimyer, fastening flag to be raised"
Description given with photo: "Hughes Arrives In New York: La Guardia Field, New York, N.Y. -- Howard Hughes, airplane designer, pilot and movie producer, steps down from his converted B-23 bomber at La Guardia Field following his transcontinental flight from Culver City to New York, the first since he narrowly escaped death in the crash of an experimental plane July 7. Hughes personally piloted the B-23 over the 3,000-mile route."