Description given with photo: "Hughes Pilots Radar-Equipped Plane Culver City, Calif. -- First passenger plane equipped with radar is flown in demonstration May 1st by Howard Hughes (left) and co-pilot R.C. Loomis over Culver City. Pilots using this equipment will be warned of approaching obstacles by lights flashing on radar panel. Two lights (lefts) with 2,000-foot range, are used to guarantee clearance over mountains; two lights (right) with 500-foot range, are a safety device for approaches and landings. Either set of lights warns against approaching aircraft. Trans-World Airline plans to install radar on its passenger planes. Credit (ACME) 5-3-47."
Description given with photo: "Hercules Fuselage Leaves Hangar, Calver City, Calif. - The hull of Howard Hughes' huge cargo flying boat, the Hercules, largest airplane in the world leaves hangar in the Culver City, Calif., plant to begin a 28-mile trip to Terminal Island, Calif., by truck and dolly. the 220-foot long hull-fuselage will follow the path of the wing sections to the graving dock where the air giant will be assembled. Credit Line (ACME) 6/16/46."
Note: It is possible that the word "Pinafore" mentioned on the cover of the menu refers to the well known Gibert and Sullivan comic opera called H.M.S. Pinafore. It was written in 1878. In 1899 this opera was revived at the Savoy Theater. It is assumed that this menu is from or the Savoy Hotel which was built next to the Savoy Theater Menu insert: Poems Restaurant: Savoy Hotel & Restaurant Location: London, England