Newspaper clipping, At NYC Convention, The Las Vegas Sun, August 13, 1965; Photograph of Rose Rich, Fran Cohen and Neva Schwartz at banquet honoring Vice President Hubert Humphrey and Nelson Rockefeller; Photograph of Lillian Heller, Ella Wohl, Fran Cohen, Ethel Lasobnick, Rose Rich and Reva Schwartz at Region Award Party; Photograph of Hadassah members boarding TWA flight
Lily Pons (left), Howard Hughes (center), and an unidentified man (right) at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills, California. Text printed on an attached strip of paper: "Noted flier and his hostess at cocktail party Los Angeles, Cal. -- Howard Hughes, noted flier, with Lily Pons, singing star, as he attended the cocktail party given by Miss Pons at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel. Credit Line (ACME) 11/8/38 NY LOND PAR."