"Interviewed by Vanessa Concepcion and Stefani Evans. Twins Estrellita "Estelle" and Julieta "Julia" Elliott were born in Manila and raised in Cebu City by their maternal grandparents. Their lawyer grandfather and Spanish professor grandmother raised them with a tricultural identity (Spanish, Filipino, and American) but with emphasis on their Castilian Spanish heritage. When they were twelve and their grandfather died, they went to live with their parents in Maryland, where their father was an educator and author and their mother was a concert pianist.
Label on back: Purchase by Ron Lurie of First March of Dimes Christmas Tree Light - on display at Fashion Show Mall; November 17, 1982, Mary Coon, March of Dimes Executive Director, Commissioner Ron Lurie, Sally Brinkman
Label on back: Purchase by Ron Lurie of First March of Dimes Christmas Tree Light - on display at Fashion Show Mall; November 17, 1982, Mary Coon, March of Dimes Executive Director, Commissioner Ron Lurie, Sally Brinkman