Description given with photo: "The Senator's Lady Is Sympathetic, Washington, D.C. - Mrs. Claude Pepper, wife of the Senator from Florida, is shown shaking hands with Howard Hughes, millionaire plane-builder, as he emerged from the Senate War Investigating Committee hearing room after yesterday's session on the witness stand. Mrs. Pepper has been a constant spectator at the hearings. Standing beside Hughes is tome Slack, his counsel. Photo by G.B. Kress. 8/9/47.
This home was built in the 1920s for Billy Wilson. Transcribed from the notes attached to the picture, "House built by Luther Wilson and W.W. (Billy) Wilson (?) they never had to buy any materials-got them all from Rhyolite."
Pictured here are five children in front of the schoolhouse. From left to right: Juanita Strozzi, John Strozzi, Judd, Jack McCrea, and Judd's sister. The location of this schoolhouse is behind the Exchange Club. These were the same materials used to build Frank 'Hard Rock Harry' Oleniczak's house in Beatty.