Lincy Institute "Perspectives from the COVID-19 Pandemic" Oral History Project
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Collection Number: MS-01178 Collection Name: Lincy Institute "Perspectives from the COVID-19 Pandemic" Oral History Project Box/Folder: Digital File 00
Description given with photo: "Subpoena Served On Hughes, Washington: A subpoena ordering Howard Hughes to produce the records and files of the Hughes Too Co. is served to him by Francis D. Flanagan, assistant chief investigator for the Senate War Investigating Subcommittee. It was issued by committee chairman Senator Homer Ferguson and served in the Senate Caucus Room, Aug. 8. Credit (ACME) 8/8/47."
Description given with photo: "Hughes Moves To Press Table To Hear Brewster Testimony, Washington, D.C.: -After complaining that he could not hear Senator Brewster's testimony, Howard Hughes took a seat with United Press at the press table. Hughes is pictured above, his head cocked to a public address system loudspeaker, at today's morning session before the Senate War Investigating Subcommittee. Creditline (ACME) 8/7/47."
Description given with photo: "Hughes Hearing Postponed, Washington D.C. : - Following close behind a "flying wedge" of capitol guards, Howard Hughes (center, smiling) leaves the the Senate Caucus room after the "surprise" postponement of the Hughes inquiry by the Senate War Investigating Subcommittee today, (Aug. 11). Hughes told reporters he would "welcome" a reopening of the inquiry at anytime. Creditine (ACME) 8/11/47."
Description given with photo: "Hughes Testifies, Washington: A candid view of plane manufacturer Howard Hughes (above) testifying before the Senate War Investigating Subcommittee today, August 6. hughes opened his testimony with a charge that Senator Owen Brewster (R. ME.), a committee member, offered to call off the senate investigation of his (Hughes) war plane contracts, if Hughes agreed to an air line merger. Credit (ACME) 8/7/47."
Description given with photo: "102,246 - Watch Your Credit - International News Photo. Slug - (Howard Hughes) Hughes Ready For Senate Investigators, Washington, D.C. Howard Hughes, right, is interviewed by reporters at Washington National Airport after his arrival in a converted B-23 bomber from Culver City, X California. Hughes, there to face Senate Investigators, said he would be "most happy" to repeat under oath charges he has made against chairman Owen Brewster, (R) of Me., of the Senate War Investigating Committee now probing his wartime plane contracts. -Photo by G.B. Kress- 8/6/47."
Description given with photo: " "Shows Over" -- Return Engagement Promised! Washington, D.C. - In the Senate Caucus room, that a few days ago was packed to the doors, Howard Hughes, sits alone as he pens a statement to the press following the "surprise" postponement of Hughes war plane contract inquiry before the Senate War Investigating Subcommittee today, (Aug. 11). Creditline (ACME) 8/11/47."
Description given with photo: "Howard Hughes sits with his witnesses at Senate War Invest. Hearing. 1st row (l to r): Glen Odekirk & Thomas Slack; 2nd row (l to r): E. A. Peterman, Richard (?), & Howard Hughes; 3rd row (l to r): Edward Schwartz, John Parkinson, & John R. (?)."
Military personnel lined up at a buffet table full of sandwiches at an open house, Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. Site Name: Nellis Air Force Base (Nev.)