Archival Component
The Howard Booth Papers are comprised of the personal papers of environmental activist Howard Booth from 1964 to 2017. The collection includes information about Booth's efforts to help turn Red Rock Canyon into a National Conservation Area. Booth was a member of multiple conservation organizations and the collection includes meeting minutes and newsletters from the Toiyabe chapter of the Sierra Club. The collection also contains correspondence, newspaper clippings, official reports, newsletters, and meeting minutes collected by Booth from various environmental organizations. The papers also include numerous photographic slides with handwritten captions Booth took of Red Rock and the surrounding area from the early 1980s to 2000s.
Archival Collection
37 x 49 cm. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. "Atlas sheet no. 69(B)." "Issued Jan'y 8th 1878." "Expeditions of 1874-1875 & 1877 under the command of 1st. Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army." Prime meridians: Greenwich and Washington, D.C. "Weyss, Lang & Herman, del." "By order of the honorable the Secretary of War." "Under the direction of Brig. General A. A. Hunphreys, Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army." Original publisher: U.S. Geographical Surveys West of the 100th Meridian, Scale: 1 inch to 4 miles or 1: 253440.