Architectural plans for the addition of a hotel tower for the Sahara from 1961. Includes revisions, notes, and room tabulation for the entire building. Printed on parchment paper. Leon Gluckson, architect; Berton Charles Severson, architect.
Site Name: Sahara Hotel and Casino
Address: 2535 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Architectural plans for the Sahara Hotel Convention Center from 1966. Printed on mylar. Berton Charles Severson, architect; Brian Walter Webb, architect.
Site Name: Sahara Hotel and Casino
Address: 2535 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Preliminary Sahara Hotel Convention pavilion plans, relation to existing meeting rooms plans from 1966. Printed on mylar. Berton Charles Severson, architect; Brian Walter Webb, architect; Masyoshi Tokubo, delineator.
Site Name: Sahara Hotel and Casino
Address: 2535 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Faro table in the Boulder Club Card Room. Transcribed from photo: "The card room at the back of the old Boulder Club where Larry Hazelwood played bridge, Jimmy Young played poker, etc. Permission to take this photo given by Jimmy Young, part owner along with Ken Houssels, Sr., Larry Hazelwood, Connie Hurley, and Mrs. Witcher. At the table left a shill from Horseshoe; right- Blackie- a Boulder Club shill; Standing behind Blackie, Boulder Club Bar manager, Ben; Standing next to Ben two regulars of the Boulder Club." Transcribed from photo sleeve: "About August, 1953"
Site Name: Boulder Club
Address: 118 East Fremont Street
Workers installing the now-famous Vegas Vic sign on the front of the Pioneer Club. Stamped on back of photo: "Photo by Desert Sea News Bureau. Las Vegas, Nevada." Transcribed from photo sleeve: "First Highrise Hotel -- Center of action downtown throughtout the '30s was the Apache Hotel which boasted an elevator and a nitery downstairs. The corner is now Binion's Horseshoe, but the spot has undergone many name changes from Tony Cornero's 'S.S. Rex' to the Eldorado where the mobs were fighting for control of the race wire. Bugsy Siegel's influence was first felt here in the early '40s."
Site Name: Pioneer Club
Address: 25 East Fremont Street
Architectural plans for the Sahara Hotel Convention Center from 1967. Includes revisions, notes, and banquet room capacities. Printed on mylar. Berton Charles Severson, architect; Brian Walter Webb, architect; Masyoshi Tokubo, delineator.
Site Name: Sahara Hotel and Casino
Address: 2535 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Architectural plans for the Sahara Hotel Convention Center from 1967. Includes revisions. Printed on mylar. Berton Charles Severson, architect; Brian Walter Webb, architect; Masyoshi Tokubo, delineator.
Site Name: Sahara Hotel and Casino
Address: 2535 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Plot plan for the Sahara Hotel Convention Center from 1967. Includes revisions, key plan, and plot plan notes. Printed on mylar. Berton Charles Severson, architect; Brian Walter Webb; architect; Milton R. Bertrand, delineator.
Site Name: Sahara Hotel and Casino
Address: 2535 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Architectural plans for the Sahara Hotel Convention Center from 1967. Includes revisions and key plan. Printed on mylar. Berton Charles Severson, architect; Brian Walter Webb, architect; Milton R. Bertrand, delineator.
Site Name: Sahara Hotel and Casino
Address: 2535 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Architectural plans for the Sahara Hotel Convention Center from 1967. Includes revisions and key plan. Drawn by P. and E.P.H. Printed on mylar. Berton Charles Severson, architect; Brian Walter Webb, architect.
Site Name: Sahara Hotel and Casino
Address: 2535 Las Vegas Boulevard South