Description given with photo: "Chairman Brewster Denies Collusion Charged By Hughes. Washington, D.C. Multi-millionaire plane-builder Howard Hughes, left, and his counsel, Thomas A. Slack, center, listen to chairman Owen Brewster, ( R ) of Me., right, of the Senate War Investigating Committee, testify before member of his committee. Senator Brewster denied under oath Howard Hughes' "blackmail" charge that Brewster had tried to make him merge the TWA with Pan-American Airways. -INP Photo by N.K. Benson- 8/6/47."
Description given with photo: "102,266 - Watch Your Credit - International News Photo. Slug - (Slack-Flanagan-Hughes) War Probers Subpoenaed Hughes' Private Papers, Washington, D.C. Senate War Investigating Committee counsel Francis Flanagan, center, is shown as he presented a subpoena issued by sub-committee chairman Homer Ferguson, (R) of Mich., directing Howard Hughes, right, to produce all private records connected with the Hughes wartime aircraft contract inquiry. Thomas A. Slack, counsel for Hughes, is at left. -INP Photo by G.B. Kress- 8/8/47."
Description given with photo: "Hughes Tells A Senator, Washington: At the close of today's session (Aug. 6), Howard Hughes (right) tells Senator Homer Ferguson (R. Mich.) (left), chairman of the Senate War Investigating Subcommittee, that he will have somewhere between 200 and 500 questions to ask Senator Brewster when the session resumes. Credit (ACME) 8/7/47."
Description given with photo: "As Hughes Dropped "Blackmail" Charge - Washington, D.C., Howard Hughes, multi-millionaire air-plane builder, left, is shown leaning over the council table as he agreed to call of his "Blackmail" feud with Senator Owen Brewster at the end of today's heated session of the Senate Subcommittee's hearing of Hughes' wartime aircraft contracts. Committee members seated at the table (right) are: left to right: Senators J. Howard McGrath (D), Rhode Island: Claud Pepper (D), Florida: Homer Ferguson (R), Mich., chairman, and John J. Williams (R) del. spectators, reporters and photographers crowd around the committee table. Photograph by N.K. Benson 8/8/47." Another description given with photo: "Committee Closes Books On Hughes' Charges, Washington: Howard Hughes (right) exchanges remarks across the table with Sen. Homer Ferguson (R-Mich.), left, chairman of the Senate War Investigating Subcommittee, after the latter announced that the committee had closed its books on the inquiry into Hughes' charge that Sen. Owen Brewster attempted to "blackmail" him. Sitting next to Sen. Ferguson is committee member Sen. John J. Williams (R-Dela.), and standing directly behind Sen. Williams is Sen. Brewster (R-Maine), smiling broadly. Credit (ACME) 8/8/47."