Description given with photo: "Hughes Submits Written Question, Washington: Howard Hughes tosses a written question to Sen. Homer Ferguson, chairman of the Senate War Investigation sub-committee, Nov. 8. Hughes was refused permission to take the stand and charged Ferguson was "throwing every obstacle" in the way of presenting testimony favorable to Hughes himself. On Ferguson's right is Sen. Carl Hatch, while the committee's chief counsel, William P. Rigers, faces the camera in the background. Credit (ACME) 11/9/47."
Description given with photo: "Hughes Arrives In New York: La Guardia Field, New York, N.Y. -- Completing his first air journey since his near-fatal test-flight accident July 7, Howard Hughes, airplane designer, pilot and movie producer, is interviewed by reporters after piloting his converted B-23 transport to a midnight landing here tonight at La Guardia Field. Hughes interrupted his convalescence to fly here from Culver City, Calif., with a stop-over in Kansas City. In New York, Hughes planned to cover with his attorneys regarding steps to protect his property rights in connection with the motion picture, "The Outlaw", which recently had its seal of approval revoked by the Motion Picture Association."
Description given with photo: "Hughes Writes Notes During Senate Hearing, Washington, D.C. --- With notes and manuscripts scattered at his feet, millionaire plane builder Howard Hughes is shown as he conferred with several of the witnesses who testified in his behalf at the Senate War Investigating Subcommittee hearing today. Credit (ACME Photo) 11/8/47."