This photograph has three images. The first one, (0272_0020) reads, "Personal pictures taken by Tommy Teas (my brother-in-law) of his work mates on #8 line. Bucket swinging, hard to spot. It hanging about 500 ft. Bell boy talking to operator who is out of sight on top of mountain," as a handwritten inscription. The second one (0272_0021) reads "Men building key, about 10 in. high and two ft. wide. (1) Bell boy getting a good sight to spot the bucket in the right place," as a handwritten inscription. The third one (0272_0022) is an upside down picture of the Dam. Its handmade inscription reads, "Still below river bed. Good look at a pouring crew (x) shows bell boy giving orders to operator. Nice shot showing how bucket works. After the bucket leaves, the men will walk all through the fresh mud to walk out any air pockets."