Description given with photo: "Hughes Moves To Press Table To Hear Brewster Testimony, Washington, D.C.: -After complaining that he could not hear Senator Brewster's testimony, Howard Hughes took a seat with United Press at the press table. Hughes is pictured above, his head cocked to a public address system loudspeaker, at today's morning session before the Senate War Investigating Subcommittee. Creditline (ACME) 8/7/47."
From the David Rea Collection of Howard Hughes Publicity Photographs (PH-00400). This collection is comprised of publicity photographs of Howard Hughes and his aircrafts, from approximately the 1940s to the 1950s, that were compiled by David Rea, former pilot for Hughes Aircraft Company. This collection also includes clippings and technical drawings of Hughes aircrafts. Note: Newspaper clippings were not digitized, but are available in the reading room. All digital objects from this collection are part of a photographic album.
Description given with photo: "Chairman Brewster Denies Collusion Charged By Hughes. Washington, D.C. Multi-millionaire plane-builder Howard Hughes, left, and his counsel, Thomas A. Slack, center, listen to chairman Owen Brewster, ( R ) of Me., right, of the Senate War Investigating Committee, testify before member of his committee. Senator Brewster denied under oath Howard Hughes' "blackmail" charge that Brewster had tried to make him merge the TWA with Pan-American Airways. -INP Photo by N.K. Benson- 8/6/47."