Typed onto a piece of paper attached to the image: "Howard Hughes (second from left) surrounded by newspapermen in Los Angeles and telling them about his Round-The-World flight. 8/1/38. (Press Association)."
Black and white image of the Boulder City Library, then located in the basement of the city's municipal building. Reference books, a card catalog, and a children's display are all visible.
Description given with photo: "Hughes At Controls Of Sky Giant For Taxi Tests - Long Beach, Cal. : Howard Hughes, millionaire plane builder, flyer and movie maker, is shown at the controls of the world's largest flying boat prior to taking the 400,000-pound craft out for taxi tests on Los Angeles Harbor. The plane, which figured in the Senate investigation of Hughes' wartime activities last summer, is 219 feet long with a wingspan of 320 feet. It was launched today, but will not be air tested until next spring. Shortly after this photo was made it was announced that taxi tests had been postponed. 11/1/47."