Description given with photo: "Hughes Has Session With Senate Committee, Washington, D.C. -- Howard Hughes, right, who met with members of the Senate War Investigating Committee Feb. 11, is shown after the secret session with senators Carl A. hatch (D. - N.M.), Owen Brewster (R. - ME.), and William F. Knowland (R. Calif.), left to right. Committee chairman Brewster told reporters Hughes discovered certain war contracts of his were under investigation and "asked to appear to discuss them informally with the committee." Credit Line (ACME) 2/11/47."
Description given with photo: "Non-Stop Los Angeles - New York Flight Inaugurated New York -- View of the crowd around the "Star of California" waiting for passengers -- most of them after it landed at LaGuardia Airport Feb. 15. Piloted by Howard Hughes, famed Around-The-World record holder and a TWA executive, the flight in-augurated non-stop schedule between Los Angeles and New York. The TWA Constellation made the trip in 8 hours and 38 minutes, as compared with the record of 7 hours, 27 minutes. Credit (ACME) 2/15/46."