Artist's conception of the proposed lobby area for the Lady Luck, later the Hacienda. Inverted negative film transparency.
Site Name: Hacienda
Address: 3590 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas, NV
Negative film transparency showing the structural details of alterations and additions to the Cafe La Rue, later the Sands Hotel.
Site Name: Sands Hotel
Address: 3355 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Elevations, sections, and plans for the interiors of the gaming room and general office for the construction of the Riviera Hotel and Casino from 1954. Drawn by H.G.H. Original medium: pencil on paper.
Site Name: Riviera Hotel and Casino
Address: 2901 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Elevations, sections, details and floor plan of the broil room for the construction of the Riviera Hotel and Casino from 1954. Drawn by F. Mc. Original medium: pencil on paper.
Site Name: Riviera Hotel and Casino
Address: 2901 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Proposed plans for analysis for the design of the Hacienda. Original medium: pencil on paper.
Site Name: Hacienda
Address: 3590 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas, NV
Preliminary study of various aspects of the proposed Hacienda. Drawn by: M.F.S. Original medium: pencil on paper.
Site Name: Hacienda
Address: 3590 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Details and sections for the internal stairs for a four story hotel building for the Flamingo from 1961. Printed on parchment.
Site Name: Flamingo Hotel and Casino
Address: 3555 Las Vegas Boulevard South