At top of map: 'United States Department of the Interior. Geological Survey. Open-file report 84-130, plate 5.' 'Prepared in cooperation with the Clark County Department of Comprehensive Planning.' At bottom of map: 'Base from U.S. Geological Survey, 1:100,000, Boulder City, Ariz.-Nev., Las Vegas, Nev.-Calif., Mesquite Lake, Nev.-Calif., 1978; Lake Mead, Nev.-Ariz., 1979.' 'Geology from Malmberg (1965); Longwell and others (1965); Haynes (1967); Bell and Smith (1980); Bell (1981) and J. R. Harrill, 1976. Thickness of valley-fill deposits by R.W. Plume, 1981.' Includes three profiles. Shows township and range lines. Scale [ca. 1:95.040. 1 in.=approx. 1.5 miles] (W 115°30´--W 115°00´/N 36°30´--N 36°00´). Series: Open-file report (Geological Survey (U.S.)), 84-130. Originally published as plate 5 of Ground-water conditions in Las Vegas Valley, Clark County, Nevada. Part I. Hydrogeologic framework / by Russell W. Plume, published by the U.S. Geological Survey in 1984 as Open-file report 84-130.
Bio taken from the "about" section of the Joyce Straus - Foundation for the Arts website:
"Joyce Elise Straus, (nee Lazowick), was born Oct. 1, 1935, in Philadelphia, to her parents Jacob and Frances. Joyce came to Las Vegas in 1961 with her husband of 56 years, the late Dr. Neil B. Straus, to raise their family.
Steven Parker grew up and went to school in Connecticut. His only sibling was finishing a post doctorate at Yale and had accepted a job at one of the California State schools when his life was tragically ended through suicide. Parker graduated from Assumption College in Massachusetts with a bachelor's in political science and got a scholarship to the State University of New York at Albany. About halfway through his Master of Public Administration degree, the dean encouraged him to go on for his doctorate.
Dr. Patrick W. Carlton has been a professor of Educational Leadership since 2000 at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV). Before coming to UNLV Dr. Carlton worked at Virginia Tech, the University of the Pacific, New York University, and at the U.S. Office of Education. Dr. Carlton earned his Masters in Education and Masters in History from Shippensburg University in Pennsylvania and he earned his Ph.D. in Educational Administration from the University of North Carolina. Dr.