26 x 32 cm. Relief shown by hachures. "Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1867 by S. Augustus Mitchell in the Clerks Office of the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania." Includes decorative border of grape vines. Shows Tucson as capital of Arizona; shows various trails including Cook's Wagon Route, Marcy's Route, and Kearney's Route. Written in pencil in lower right corner: 135. Original publisher: S.A. Mitchell.
The black and white view of the Lockheed 14 aircraft in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Description written on back of photograph: "World-fame drops on City out of blue, sunny skies: Fame came to the municipal airport and the city of Minneapolis in a flash of silver and a roar at 7:38 am, July 14, 1938 when Howard Hughes swooped to Earth in his Droning Silver Bullet on his record breaking round-the-world flight. Photo-courtesy "The Minneapolis Star" Board of Park Commissions. 325 City Hall Minneapolis Minn."
Description given with photo: "Hughes' "Hercules" Ready For Tests, Long Beach, Cal. -- An aerial view shows Howard Hughes' giant plywood seaplane "Hercules" ready for taxi tests at Long Beach. The initial flight of the plane, which cost $20,000,000 and will seat 700 persons, will not be attempted until early in 1947. #1 MGS for Credit. ACME. 10/13/46."
The black and white view of Howard Hughes in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Description printed on photograph's accompanying sheet of paper: "Howard Hughes talks over refueling at Minneapolis with a Northwest Airlines attendant."
Description printed on accompanying strip of paper: "Howard Hughes inspects his machine on arrival at Le Bourget, France, on his round-the-world flight."