Note: Proprietor's signature on cover. Illustrations on cover embossed in gold, copper and silver Restaurant: Keith's Exchange Location: Greenville, Michigan, United States
Note: Illustration engraved by John A. Lowell & Co., Boston, U.S.A. No. 20 Restaurant: St. James Hotel (Ann Arbor, Mi.) Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States
Note: Notice from proprietor on page 3 of menu. Hours for meals and dining information on back cover Restaurant: United States Hotel Location: Portland, Maine, United States
Note: Handwritten note on back of menu by Fred C. Bloomer, steward Restaurant: Hotel Palace (Springfield, Ill.) Location: Springfield, Illinois, United States
Note: Cover is embossed with illustration of an Elizabethan troubadour playing a stringed instrument, on a horse, beneath a balcony; additional embossed floral motif; menu edges are scalloped Restaurant: Hotel Phelps Location: Greenville, Michigan, United States
Note: Cover has illustration of maple leaves. Menu is bound with green cord. Two short poems are included Menu insert: Poems Restaurant: Hotel Clegg Location: Greensboro, North Carolina, United States
Note: Cover features illustration of a pixie (or elf with wings) carrying a steaming dish on a tray. Menu has scalloped edges Restaurant: National Hotel Location: Peoria, Illinois, United States