Horseshoe Casino interior. (no date)
Guests sit in the Horseshoe Club in rows and play Bingo together. Some of the clearly-visible faces of participants have a golden/brown circle on top of them.
Slot machines and a trashcan are visible in this interior image of the Horseshoe Hotel & Casino, with the exit on the right.
Horseshoe Casino-interior-slot machines in view. (no date)
A photograph of the interior view of Horseshoe Casino-stained glass skylight.
Horseshoe Hotel and Casino-parking garage. (c. 1960s-70s). Stamp on back of photo: "Las Vegas News Bureau Las Vegas, Nevada Convention Center".
Benny Binion and his daughter Becky posing next to the Million Dollar Horseshoe at the Horseshoe Casino. (c. 1969). Stamp on back of photo: "Las Vegas News Bureau Las Vegas, Nevada Convention Center 18165".
Two Horseshoe Club security guards pose in front of the million dollar horseshow display.
Jack Binion (2nd from right) awarding cash prizes to customers in his hotel. They are standing in front of the million dollar display at the Horseshoe. (February 1970)
Photographers film Jack Binion holding a million dollars. It was a display at his Horseshoe Casino, Las Vegas. (c. 1971). Stamp on back of photo: "Las Vegas News Bureau Las Vegas, Nevada Convention Center 22333".