A black and white oversized picture of the Salle De Concert inside Casino Monte Carlo which is located in Monaco on the southern coast of France. In French, "Salle De Concert" means 'concert hall.'
An image of children gathered together, possibly for the 4th of July at City Hall in Boulder City, Nevada. The children are dressed in pointed hats with ribbons tied around their torsos.
A view of a smiling Howard Hughes at a parade held for him in Chicago. Hughes is seen sitting between two unidentified men in the back of the first car in line.
A picture of Julie Weintraub. He was a big gambling figure, popularized gambling "junkets," and helped build the Dunes Hotel into one of the biggest casinos of its time.
From the Howard Cannon Photograph Collection (PH-00192). Stamped on verso: "Edward J. Allen Associates, INC. Nevadas Largest Photographic Organization P.O. Box 4253 - Las Vegas Nevada 89106"