The collection is comprised of a short documentary film, Forever in Our Hearts (2018), that highlights the Healing Garden, a memorial established after the 1 October shooting at the Route 91 Harvest music festival in Las Vegas, Nevada. The film is comprised of photographs taken by Tanya Olson, a graduate of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV). Olson created the film as a way to memorialize the 1 October shooting.
The Las Vegas Land & Water Company Records from the Las Vegas Valley Water District (1918-1989) are primarily comprised of contracts, correspondence, and maps that document the establishment of a water distribution system in Las Vegas, Nevada that would provide water using the state's Colorado River allocation. The records include water main extension agreements, correspondence, and bills of sale for water main construction, as well as articles and correspondence documenting the groundwater shortage in Las Vegas. The collection also includes maps for water distribution systems and pipelines throughout the Las Vegas Valley.
The UNLV Libraries Collection of Circus Circus Hotel and Casino Promotional Materials and Reports includes annual reports, financial reports, newspaper and magazine clippings, press kits, press releases, and promotional materials for the Circus Circus hotel and casinos in Las Vegas, Nevada, and Reno, Nevada, dating from 1972 to 2006.
The Maurine and Fred Wilson Papers (1888-1991) contain family papers and the historical research of Fred Wilson. It includes correspondence between Maurine and Fred Wilson, as well as Maurine Wilson’s diaries, calendars, and materials related to her career as a music teacher. The collection also contains Fred Wilson’s research files about the history of Southern Nevada as well as the First Methodist Church in Las Vegas, Nevada.
The purchase contract for the Las Vegas Land and Water Company allows for the contract to be annulled if its bonds are not sold by December 31, 1953. This contract rescinds that deadline, allowing as much time as needed for the sale of the bonds. Agreement that all parties will ignore the provision that any party can terminate the agreement if the bonds do not sell by May 1, 1954.