A1C (Airman First Class) James A. Giampeetro, representative for Nellis Air Force Base (Nevada), aiming a revolver during a worldwide marksmanship contest at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California.
Celeste Kohr, a Red Cross volunteer, removing a leg cast from a girl at Nellis Air Force Base (Nevada) Hospital. Site Name: Nellis Air Force Base (Nev.)
Cadets First Class Andrea Ungashick and Sue Henke, of the U.S. Air Force Academy, pose beneath a plane while they visit Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. Site Name: Nellis Air Force Base (Nev.)
Colonel George T. Anton, U.S. Army (Ret.) (2nd from right), receives an award for outstanding reserve officer of the year from Las Vegas Mayor Bill Briare, (2nd from left). At far left is Lt. Col. Scott Griffith; at far right is Major Gen. Charles. Blanton. Site Name: Nellis Air Force Base (Nev.)
Color image of people on and around a stage set up for a demonstration held on World Peace Day by American Peace Test, a group protesting nuclear testing. The stage has large banners and displays many international flags. One of the banners reads, "Nuremberg requires that we act."
Aerial view, looking north, of University of Nevada, Las Vegas campus. Tonopah residence hall is seen in the foreground. Beam Hall and Moyer Student Union are directly behind it. John S. Wright Hall, Dickinson Library, Carlson Education Building, Artemus Ham Concert Hall are behind them. Tall building at right is Dungan Humanities Building. Buildings at left behind grassy field are Barrick Museum and Fong Geoscience Building.
North Las Vegas law officers pay final tribute to Jim Slagle in North Las Vegas, Nevada, December 5, 1973. Police Chief "Slim" Davison presents a folded flag to Kristi Slagle, widow of North Las Vegas Policeman Jim Slagle.
North Las Vegas Democratic Club installations. Pictured L-R: Bonnie Price, outgoing President; Ken Reynolds, past President; Frank Mathews, incoming President. North Las Vegas, circa 1970s.