Granting of an easement by the Union Pacific Railroad to the Las Vegas Valley Water District for the purpose of maintaining the water supply facilities. Notarized by Louis Scholnick in Douglas County, Nebraska on June 3, 1954.
The Las Vegas Land and Water Company protested to the application of Jack Wollenzien to drill a well near their well-field. The State Engineer agreed with the water company because of the falling water table.
On February 23, 1980, Ken Rose interviewed James Matson (b. July 14, 1923 in Pensacola, Florida) about his life in Las Vegas, Nevada. Throughout the interview, Matson discusses his childhood, life in Florida before moving to Las Vegas, his family and what brought him to Las Vegas. Matson also delves into his economic struggles and those of the community, his attempt to purchase a home and the changes he would like to see in society. Moreover, Matson talks about his hobbies, his work in construction and interracial friendships. The interview ends with Matson discussing the city of Las Vegas, the weather and the changing buildings.