From the Sister Klaryta Antoszewska Photograph Collection (PH-00352).
Promotional video for "Bloopers" show at Marina Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada starring Fay McKay (master video). Second segment is promotional video for Holiday Casino buffet and entertainment shows. Third segment is a b-roll for a video advertisement for the New Zealand/Australian Moriah Social Center with Joe Sedino (?), the American representative for the club. He describes the benfits of joining the club, including vacations to places like Las Vegas and the Sands Hotel. He lists the various amenities including the pool, spa, rooms, dining, and gaming options. Original media U-matic S, color, aspect ratio 4 x 3, frame size 720 x 486. From the Production Company Audiovisual Collection (MS-00930) -- Digitized audiovisual material file.
Moving Image
Local news segments and b-roll footage of two high-rise jumps that stuntman Dan Koko made from Bob Stupak's Vegas World Hotel structure in 1984. The first jump of 225 feet made on May 19, 1984; the second jump of world record acclaim of 326 feet, made on August 30, 1984. Clips include b-roll of the jumps, soundbites with Koko, and reporters interviewing Koko discussing his motivations for the jumps. Original media VHS, color, aspect ratio 4 x 3, frame size 720 x 486. From the Bob Stupak Professional Papers (MS-01016) -- Professional papers -- Audiovisual material -- Digitized audiovisual material file.
Moving Image
From the Homer Rissman Architectural Records (MS-00452). Written on the image: "Garage. Rissman & Rissman Associates. Binion's Horseshoe as-built. Date 9-20-67. Sheet #1".
'Map of Lincoln County, Nevada. Compiled by H.E. Freudenthal from official surveys. Copyright, 1908, by H.E. Freudenthal.' Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Shows range and township grid. Shows towns, railroads, proposed railroads, wagon roads and springs. Scale [ca. 1:380,160]. 1 in. to approx. 6 miles (W 116°--W 114°/N 39°--N 35°).