Typed onto a piece of paper attached to the image: "New York hails heroes of World Flight, New York City --- In the greatest reception since Lindbergh's, Howard Hughes and his gallant companions paraded up Broadway today, almost smothered beneath New York's ticker-tape accolade recognizing their record-smashing world dash. Here's Hughes, (center back, seat), gazing up the tons of torn paper fluttering down on him and his comrades, following in the car behind. Beside Hughes on the left is Grover Whalen, head of the New York World's Fair, 1939. Credit Line (ACME) 7/15/38."
James Howard "Dutch" Kindelberger (President and General Manager of North American Aviation), Larsen Warren, and Noah Dietrich seated at a banquet table.
From the Howard Cannon Photograph Collection (PH-00192). Stamped on verso: "Official United States Air Force Photograph - Anderson AFB Washington 25, D.C." The photo shows Howard Cannon, a member of the Senate Space and Armed Services Committee with General Bernard Schriever, Head of Air Research and Development.
Description given with photo: "Howard Hughes Interviewed By Newsmen After Flight - Terminal Island, Calif. : Photo shows Howard Hughes surrounded by radio interviewers, reporters, and well-wishers after he tested his flying boat the "HK-1" in Los Angeles harbor. He surprised onlookers by taking the huge 200-ton seaplane into the air for a mile flight at the altitude of 70 feet, with a speed of 100 M.P.H, then landing the craft with a very safe landing. Photo by Al Monteverge. 1-03-47."