Janet Kennedy was born on October 22, 1924 in Stratford, Connecticut. She married her husband Norm in 1946. They moved to Las Vegas, Nevada in 1963. Janet was a homemaker and had four children.
Works that record interviews conducted to preserve the recollections of persons whose experience or memories are representative or are of special historical or social significance
Material Type
Mixed Content
The Stonewall Park Collection (1983-1987) documents the Stonewall Park project, an unrealized gay community in Nevada. Material includes news clippings and ephemera, as well as financial records and ancillary documents detailing bankruptcies and litigation associated with the Stonewall Park project. Much of this material is photocopied from MS 1990-15 (Fred Schoonmaker Papers), held at the Museum of GLBT History in San Francisco, CA.
Archival Collection