Lori provides a wonderful narrative of her Judaism, her love of teaching children and her devotion to family and music. She talks about growing up in Las Vegas and becoming a bat mitzvah, a rarity for girls in 1973. Throughout her life, including the period where she moved around with her Air Force husband, she sought Jewish connections to help her feel at home no matter where she was.
The Nevada Gaming Fiftieth Anniversary collection consists of materials dating from 1981 related to the fiftieth anniversary of the legalization of gaming in the state of Nevada. Included in the collection are programs, invitations, and memorabila commemorating the fiftieth anniversary that were collected by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Special Collections.
From the Dennis McBride Collection on LGBTQ Las Vegas, Nevada (MS-00802) -- Alphabetical research files -- AIDS: Organizations: Names Project [AIDS quilt] file.