Color photograph of Mary Fountain, Marcia Washington's mother.
Color photograph of Marcia Washington in her junior year at Valley High School, Las Vegas, 1970.
The Valley High School Yearbook featured a page on the school's drill team, in which Marcia participated.
Color photograph of Dave and Marcia Washington when Marcia was promoted to Clark County Fire Inspector, September 2006.
Color photograph of Debbie Conway (second from right) and others at the Community Outreach Awards Ceremony.
Debbie Conway stands with an unidentified woman at the Summer Business Institute Fundraiser.
Color photograph of Debbie Conway (center left) presiding over a meeting of the Small Business Development Advisory Council.
Color photograph of Debbie Conway with a group during a workshop for the small businesses in Clark County.
Color photograph of Debbie Conway (left) and Judge Johnnie Rawlinson at Debbie's first swearing in ceremony as the first minority County Recorder in the State of Nevada.