'October 2, 1952.' Relief shown by contours. Hand-drawn lines mark land leased to these people, land proposed to be withdrawn from lease, and easement for a sewer. Scale [ca. 1:7,200]. 1 in.=600 feet. Blueline.
Hand-drawn in pencil on tracing cloth. "June 1942." Also shows pipelines and power lines. Includes a hand-written table showing the number of the well or spring, casing size, depth, capacity in gallons per day, and whether it is pump or artesian. "3-18-41"--Written in black grease pencil in lower right corner of map.
'Map no. 7 to accompany report on flood control survey. Made by Graham S. Quate. March 1934. Drawn by T.K.' Scale [ca. 1:15, 600. 1 in.=approx. 1,300 feet]. Relief shown by hachures. North oriented to upper right corner. Library's copy has hand-drawn map and notes in pencil on verso.
'U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Camp P.E. 206.' 'By C.C.C. Company, 538. Drawn by Ed Overton. Approved ... 5-15-35.Traced by Ed Overton.'
Map shows portions of pipelines to be sold to the Las Vegas Valley Water District, pipelines connected to those to be sold to the District that will be retained by the railroad companies, and privately-owned pipelines connecting to those to be sold to the District. 'Exhibit D.' 'March 1, 1953.' 'I-128.' Las Vegas Land and Water Company?
Hand-drawn map showing area around the Mormon Fort in Las Vegas, Nevada, circa 1855. Handwritten in lower right: 'To President George A. Smith. This is drawn not according to any particular rule being my first attempt at drawing but it may serve to give you an idea of the Las Vegas. John Steele.' Copy print of material in LDS Archives. Scale not given..
'Cartography by Marj Thielke.' 'Prepared in cooperation with the State of Nevada, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Division of Water Resources.' Relief shown by contours. Shows township and range lines. Originally published as Plate 1 in Water-level changes associated with ground-water development in Las Vegas Valley, Nevada, 1971-75 : fourth progress report--summary of data / by James R. Harrill, published in 1976 by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Division of Water Resources, as volume 22 of Water resources-information series report. Scale [ca. 1:69,696. 1 in.=approx. 1.1 miles] (W 115°20´--W 115°00´/N 36°20´--N 36°00´).
'Compiled by S.L. Schoff and J.E. Moore.' 'Geology generalized from geologic maps of the Nevada Test Site by Special Projects Branch, U.S. Geological Survey; of Lincoln County by Tschanz and Pampeyan (1961); and of Clark County by Bowyer, Pampeyan, and Longwell (1958).' United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey. Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.' 'TEI-838.' Scale 1:125,000 (W 116°00´--W 116°15´/N 37°15´--N 36°30´). Originally published as figure 1 in Chemistry and movement of ground water, Nevada Test Site / by Stuart L. Schoff and John E. Moore, published by the Geological Survey in 1964 as number 838 of the Trace elements investigations report.