Discussion of the changes made to the purchase contract draft to protect railroad company water rights.
Discussion of the new contract between the Las Vegas Land and Water Company and the railroad and the new rate the water company will pay for water, which would likely result in a water rate increase for users.
Minutes of a meeting to discuss whether the Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Co. had a vested water right in Well No. 1 and the flow that would be required from the shop well to meet the railroad's requirements.
Discussion of the progress on domestic water for Bunkerville and Mesquite, Nevada. Prospects were good for the Work Projects Administration to install a tank and pipeline. PROJECT NUMBER: State Office # M-282, Clark County # M-22
Wells drilled previously were not sufficient to solve area water problems. Wittwer recommended consulting with the United States Geological Survey and State Engineer before any more wells were drilled. Report signed by John H. Wittwer as County Extension Agent. Project Number: State Office No. 282, Clark Co. No. 22. Name of Project: Domestic water supply for Bunkerville & Mesquite.
Overview of the efforts throughout Clark County to increase domestic water supplies. Project Number: State Office No. 282, Clark County No. 22
Summary of plan for organizing an irrigation district in the Moapa Valley for flood control, water storage, and drainage. Project Number: State Office No. 172, Clark County No. 12
Discussion of using Civilian Conservation Corps labor for flood control works in the Virgin River and Moapa Valleys. Project Number: State Office No. 172
Helen Jane Wiser Stewart was born in 1854 in Springfield, Illinois. When she was nine years old, the family moved to Nevada, and then to Sacramento, California in 1863. Helen was educated in Sacramento and in 1873 she married Archibald Stewart in Stockton, California.