List of major floods in the Moapa Valley with accompanying map.
Water meter readings at six locations at many different dates in 1950
Newspaper article about a recently completed report. Author opined that unless something drastic was done soon, water would be the limiting factor on growth in Las Vegas.
Robert Griffith had filed a protest to the water company's drilling of well #11, most likely in response to their protest to his well. Strong recommended contacting Griffith's lawyers and offering to drop their objection in return for him dropping his.
Discussion of the ramifications of withdrawing the Las Vegas Land and Water Company's protest to the proposed Griffith well.
Invitation from the Chamber of Commerce to attend a meeting to discuss the water situation in Las Vegas. Includes an enclosure listing the topic of a meeting held the day before to discuss the same issue.
Summary of the lands purchased from the Stewart family by the Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company.
Coffey recommends not installing a hydropower water wheel on the Las Vegas Creek, but increasing capacity at the Las Vegas Power plant. The higher initial cost would be beneficial in the long run. "W-2-4-2" in pencil in upper right corner, letter also has numerous pencil corrections.
Discussion of the survey of the Las Vegas Ranch in relation to the Las Vegas Creek.
McWilliams provides surveying information and recommends purchasing the springs that lay outside the boundaries of the Stewart Ranch.