The Production Company Audiovisual Collection consists of commercials, advertising, and political campaigns from approximately 1965 to 1995 created by The Production Company, a television production company founded by Thomas “Bob” Patrick in Las Vegas, Nevada. The collection consists of primarily 16 mm film and video formats such as VHS, U-Matic, Betacam, open reel, Type C, and quadruplex. The videotapes and films in this collection represent advertising and marketing for hotels and casinos, entertainment companies, politicians, and local businesses located in Las Vegas, Nevada.
The J. A. Tiberti Construction Records include material documenting construction work performed throughout Las Vegas, Nevada between 1950 and 2011 including bid packages, specifications, contracts, correspondence, company records, legal documents, and architectural plans.
The UNLV Libraries Collection of Lady Luck Gaming Corporation Promotional Materials and Reports includes annual reports, financial reports, press kits, press releases, and promotional materials for the Lady Luck Gaming Corporation in Nevada, Colorado, Iowa, Mississippi, and Missouri, dating from 1993-1995.
The Russ Freeman Television Music Manuscripts contains music manuscripts and production materials from Russ Freeman's work on various television specials, dating from 1969 to 1977. The collection includes music scores for television soundtracks including Feliciano! Very Special which aired on the television network NBC and Shirley MacLaine Show which aired on CBS. Russ Freeman is featured in this collection as composer and arranger for many of the soundtracks and was featured as a pianist on soundtracks for The Clifton Davis Special, Flip Wilson Specials, and The Don Rickles Show. Freeman's compositions and arrangements for the television shows were recorded in Las Vegas, Nevada.