Note: Back cover of menu states, "Opening of The National Hotel, Peoria, Tuesday October thirtieth, 1883." Restaurant: National Hotel Location: Peoria, Illinois, United States
Note: Square menu positioned diagonally; Menu on front cover with an image of a red and white woven cloth with frayed edges in the background. "F. T. Clark"--p. 2 Restaurant: Central Hotel (Adrian, Mich.) Location: Adrian, Michigan, United States
Note: Illustration on front cover engraved and copyrighted by J.A. Lowell & Co. Boston, 1879, no. 46 Restaurant: The Burdick Location: Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States
Note: Illustration on front cover engraved and copyrighted by J.A. Lowell & Co. Boston, 1878, no. 36. Monogram of restaurant on back cover Restaurant: Plankinton House Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States