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Oral history interview of Brian Shepherd conducted by Claytee D. White on July 13, 2020 for the Boyer Early Las Vegas Oral History Project. Brian Shepherd, Chief of Staff of Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 1107, represents health care and public sector employees across the state of Nevada. SEIU advocates for fair wages, quality health care, and the "secret ballot" for all union employees. Shepherd discusses his work with the union, racism, discrimination, inequality, organizing protests, the Black Lives Matter movement, and social justice.
Gwendolyn K. Walker arrived in North Las Vegas in 1962 from Houston, Texas, as a five-year-old with her parents, two brothers, and her cousins. The Walker family at first moved to a rented house on D Street, and Gwen attended Kit Carson Elementary School for first grade. Her mother enrolled in nursing school, so she sent Gwen back to Delhi, Louisiana, to be raised by her grandmother. In Delhi Gwen picked cotton with her aunt while she was in the second grade. Gwen returned to North Las Vegas to live with her mother and complete elementary school at Jo Mackey before matriculating to J. D. Smith Elementary School for junior high school and then to Clark High School. Later she attended UNLV. Gwen and her mother joined Saint James Catholic Church at H Street and Washington Avenue, but after she returned from Delhi she joined Second Baptist Church, where she became close with a cohort of friends that remained strong even as she experienced racism and bullying and love for the first time.
On April 6 and 7, 1976, Tim Waters interviewed Colleen Gregory (born 1928 in Santa Clara, Utah) about her life in Southern Nevada. Gregory first talks about her original move to Las Vegas, her early education, school activities, and her college education. She also talks about the first banks, Helldorado, the atomic testing, and environmental changes. Other topics covered include Howard Hughes, Western-style influences, first properties on the Strip, World War II, racial prejudice, and changes she has noticed during her career in banking.
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Oral history interview with Joseph Ostunio conducted by Claytee D. White on December 20, 2017 for the Remembering 1 October Oral History Project. In this interview, Joseph Ostunio discusses his early childhood in Las Vegas, Nevada and how he grew to love country music. He talks about the Route 91 Harvest music festival, which he attended with his friend in 2017. He describes the events of that weekend and the shooting on that Sunday, October 1, 2017, during which his friend was shot. Ostunio ends the interview with his feelings regarding Las Vegas and what he has learned about himself from this experience.
The James Cashman Sr. Photograph Collection (approximately 1905 to 1975) consists of black-and-white photographic prints, negatives, slides, and albums as well as a glass plate negative. The photographs depict four major subjects: Cashman's family, friends, and associates; Cashman's businesses; the Hoover Dam and Colorado River; and various locations across Nevada.
Archival Collection
The University of Nevada, Las Vegas Photograph Collection (approximately 1900-2004) depicts the development of the university and the city of Las Vegas. The collection includes images of campus buildings, student activities, sports teams, past university presidents, and Las Vegas in the early twentieth century. Early images depicting the surrounding area are included in this collection as well.
Archival Collection