Framing plan for pavilion at Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah, including additions. Scale 1/4""=1'-0"". Dr. by A. Sett. Tr. by A. Sett. Ch. by P.R. Gage. Sheet no. 8, Job no. 350, date 2-19-26. Revised 6-14-26. #15774-H.
Site Name: Bryce Canyon National Park (Utah)
Exterior elevations, details and sections for additions to pavilion at Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah. Scale 1/4""=1'-0"". Dr. by Bruce. Tr. by Bruce. Ch. by P.R. Gage. Sheet no. 9, Job no. 350, date 2-19-26. Revised 6-14-26. #15774-I.
Site Name: Bryce Canyon National Park (Utah)
Exterior elevations, details and sections for additions to pavilion at Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah. Scale 1/4""=1'-0"". Dr. by Bruce. Tr. by Bruce. Ch. by P.R. Gage. Sheet no. 10, Job no. 350, date 2-19-26. #15774-K.
Site Name: Bryce Canyon National Park (Utah)
Front exterior elevation, side exterior elevation of store for pavilion at Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah, including additions. Bryce misspelled "Brice." Scale 1/4""=1'-0". Dr. by Elliott. Tr. by Elliott. Ch. by P.R. Gage. Sheet no. 11, Job no. 350, date 2-19-26. Revised 6-14-26. #15774-L.
Site Name: Bryce Canyon National Park (Utah)
West exterior elevation for pavilion at Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah, including additions. Bryce misspelled "Brice." Dr. by Elliott. Tr. by Elliott. Ch. By P.R. Gage. Sheet no 12, Job no. 350, date 2-19-26. Revised 6-14-26. #15774-M.
Site Name: Bryce Canyon National Park (Utah)
Details of additions to pavilion at Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah; window, door and wall details, truss details, shower, dressing room and toilet partition details, refrigerator section. Scale as shown. Dr. by Gage, Bruce. Tr. by Gage, Bruce. Ch. by P.R. Gage. Sheet no. 14. Job no. 350, date 2-19-26. Revised 6-14-26. #15774-O.
Site Name: Bryce Canyon National Park (Utah)
Details of additions to the Bryce Canyon Lodge. Scale as shown. Dr. by Bruce. Tr. by Bruce. Ch. by P.R. Gage. Sheet no. 16, Job no. 350, date 2-19-26. #15774-Q.
Site Name: Bryce Canyon National Park (Utah)
Plan, sections, elevations of revised ramp at Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah. Scale as shown. Dr. by Gage. Tr. by Gage. Sheet no. 17, Job no. 350, date 3/13/28. #15774-R.
Site Name: Bryce Canyon National Park (Utah)
Plan, elevation, section, details of revised approach road at Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah. Scale 1/4""=1'-0"". Dr. by Bruce. Sheet no. 18, Job no. 350, date 5/12/28. #15774-S.
Site Name: Bryce Canyon National Park (Utah)
Plan, details, elevations of bar at pavilion at Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah. Scales as shown. Dr. by Gage. Tr. by Gage. Sheet no. 1, Job no. 449, date 4/10/28. #15774-T.
Site Name: Bryce Canyon National Park (Utah)