Note: Handwritten menu. "Déposé [registered] AD" [printer's monogram] printed under illustration on page 2. Illustration on page 2 shows a woman wearing a toga and sandals, with a raised wine glass and a scepter, riding atop a barrel being pulled by two oversized snails Restaurant: Savoy Restaurant
Description printed on photograph's accompanying sheet of paper: "Gen. view parade: As globe fliers braved Broadway blizzard, New York. Although they didn't encounter a single snowflake on their roaring dash across Siberia, Howard Hughes and his four-man crew met a regular blizzard (of Broadway ticker tape) today as New York paid them homage as only New York know how. This is a view of the scene as the triumphal procession proceeded from the Battery to City Call. In the car are (left to right) Grover Whalen, President of the New York World's Fair, Howard Hughes and Al Lodwick, his press representative. (w) 7-15-38.30."
The black and white view of Howard Hughes walking with other unidentified men toward the Lockheed 14 aircraft that was then being refueled. Hughes was then on his Around the World Flight where he visited Paris, Moscow, Fairbanks, and Alaska.
The black and white view of Howard Hughes, Mayor La Guerdia, and Grover Whalen leaving City Hall through a parade dedicated to the completion of Hughes' Round the World flight in New York City, New York.
Typed onto a piece of paper attached to the image: "Howard Hughes and his four companions honored at the National Press Club. Howard Hughes is speaking, with Mayor La Guardia and Secretary of State Cordell Hull at lower right. July 1938."