Only in Vegas, Las Vegas Israelite, May 16, 1969; Hadassah luncheon set, publication and date unknown; Installs, Las Vegas Sun, May 22, 1969
Footage of Flamingo Hilton "topping out" from roof of hotel; b-roll of the Las Vegas Strip from roof of Flamingo; remarks given at the top for "Phase 6" construction for the Flamingo Hilton. Original media Betacam, color, aspect ratio 4 x 3, frame size 720 x 486. From The Production Company Audiovisual Collection (MS-00930) -- Digitized audiovisual material file.
Moving Image
Local news anchors discuss the progress of the Stratosphere Tower construction; interview clips with construction workers regarding challenges of constructing the tower; views of giant crane, construction elevator, interior of restaurant, roller coasters, and workers at the top of the buildling. Original media VHS, color, aspect ratio 4 x 3, frame size 720 x 486. From the Bob Stupak Professional Papers (MS-01016) -- Professional papers -- Audiovisual material -- Digitized audiovisual clips file.
Moving Image
Basement, second floor, typical room, luxury suites, and penthouse master plans for the 1974 additions and alterations to the tower of the Riviera Hotel and Casino. Includes revision dates. Drawn by B.H. Printed on mylar. John T. Iwamoto, delineator; Berton Charles Severson, architect; Brian Walter Webb, architect.
Site Name: Riviera Hotel and Casino
Address: 2901 Las Vegas Boulevard South