The Las Vegas Land and Water Company informs the mayor of Las Vegas of their efforts to promote Emergency Ordinance No. 247 and of the improvements they have made to the water system to increase capacity. J. L. Russell was Mayor of Las Vegas at that time.
Deed of the land sold to the Las Vegas Valley Water District from the Union Pacific Railroad. Notarized by Louis Scholnick in Douglas County, Nebraska on June 3, 1954.
The article includes the Las Vegas Valley Water District's proposal to drill two new wells to augment the water supply and the Union Pacific Railroad's request that the Las Vegas city commissioners reinstate water rationing. The piece of paper to which the newspaper clipping is attached has a dated stamp from the law department of the Union Pacific Railroad Company.
Copied onto Las Vegas Valley Water District stationery with a date stamp from the law department of the Union Pacific Railroad Company, an article from the Las Vegas Sun newspaper reports that the water district's plan to lay a pipeline from Henderson to Las Vegas may be endangered because of lack of a right-of-way.
Knickerbocker directing the drafting of contracts for the sale of water directly from the railroad to industrial users. Date stamp from L.A. & S.L. R.R. Co., Office of Industrial Engineer, Los Angeles, Calif. and from W.H.J.
Bill of sale by the grantor, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company to assign, transfer, and convey to the grantee, Union Pacific Railroad Company water production facilities including springs, spring houses, water wells, settling basins, reservoirs, storage tank, pipe lines, pumping stations, as well as transmission facilities including power lines, transmission lines, telephone and telemeter line, and other facilities. Approved May 19, 1953. Signed July 17, 1953. Map outlining conveyed land, pipe lines and wire lines is referenced below.
Since the water company could not meter the water, Bracken would conduct a survey of the new users to try and determine how much water each will require so they could establish rates for them.
Discussion about transferring the 2.5 CFS granted to the Union Pacific Railroad company from Well No. 1 to the shop well, and increasing the capacity of the well to produce that amount.
Shamberger advised the Water District to purchase the lands surrounding the Las Vegas Springs as well as other springs and wells in the area to protect its water sources in the future.